November ’20 Board Meeting Minutes




November 10, 2020

    1. Call to Order – Roll Call
      The monthly meeting of the Olney Public Library Board of Trustees called to order by President Julia Eichhorst, November 10, 2020 at 5:30pm.
      Present – Board members present included Julia Eichhorst, Julie Hill, Crystal Trout, Beverly Loomis, Brandan Michels, Chelsea Rude and Michelle Simpson
      Absent – Board members absent included David Abell
      Others Present – Brittany Bass, Library Director, Lisa Boehl, Bookkeeper
    2. Recognition of Visitors and Public Comments–N/A
    3. Secretary’s Report and Approval of Previous Minutes
      The minutes of the October 13 meeting were reviewed. Julie Hill made a motion to approve the minutes. Brandan Michaels seconded the motion. Measure carried.
    4. Treasurer’s Report & Approval of Bills Payable
      The October 2020, treasurer report was reviewed. Julie Hill made a motion to approve the report. Michelle Simpson seconded the motion. Measure carried. October payables were presented. Chelsea Rude made a motion to approve the payables. Brandan Michels seconded the motion. Measure carried. Julie Hill made a motion for Chelsea Rude to be elected treasurer of OPL trustees. Brandan Michels seconded the motion. Measure carried.
    5. Committee Reports
      Finance Committee –No report
      Personnel Committee –No report
      Policy/Bylaws Committee -No report
      Building/Grounds Committee – No report
      Public Relations/Marketing Committee -No Report
      Technology Committee -No report
      Planning Committee -No report
      Building/Grounds committee and Finance Committee are planning meetings in the next month to review the proposed renovation project
    6. Friends of the Library–The Friends of the Library made a generous donation of $3712.50 for the purchase of the new circulation desk, and payment has been sent to Bob Buscher. The library is very grateful for this donation. The Friends of the Library will likely be disbanding in the spring, and has asked the library for a wish list for the existing available funds.
    7. Librarian’s Report – Brittany presented a thorough written report to the board of directors.
      Brittany indicated that no action has been taken on the sewer situation as she cannot reach Ochs. Jeff Lathrop is planning to clean the sewer out this week as maintenance to keep it from backing up. Brittany is going to contact the city manager about the situation.
    8. Correspondence/Communication/Public Relations – Sheila Ritter has submitted a letter of resignation as trustee. The library thanks her for her many years of public service.
    9. Old Business
      Michelle Simpson made a motion to add “Intergovernmental Agreements” to the library policy manual. Chelsea Rude seconded the motion. Motion carried.

      Crystal Trout made a motion to add Chelsea Rude to the signature cards at all local banking institutions where needed. Michelle Simpson seconded the motion. Measure carried.

    10. New Business
      Christmas Bonuses-Michelle Simpson made a motion to give all the four staff members a net holiday bonus of $50 and the library director a net holiday bonus of $100. Deductions will be made as required by law. Net amounts will be after deductions. Lisa Boehl and Kyle Ziegler will also each be given a $50 holiday bonus. Chelsea Rude seconded the motion. Measure carried. The trustees are pleased to award these bonuses as a thank you for hard work throughout the year.
      Brittany will take the staff out for a meal as a Christmas party this year.
      The board reviewed two final quotes for flooring for the two entrances and for the area under the circulation desk. Michelle Simpson made a motion to accept the bid of Racklin Paint and Decorating, for $16044.97 with the preferred flooring, waiving the bidding process. Brandan Michels seconded the motion. Measure carried.
    11. Executive Session – N/A
    12. Adjournment – Beverly Loomis made a motion to adjourn. Chelsea Rude seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned at 6:30pm.

Minutes submitted by Crystal Trout

November ’20 Board Meeting Minutes2025-02-10T12:33:22-06:00

October ’20 Board Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes



October 13, 2020

    1. Call to Order – Roll Call
      The monthly meeting of the Olney Public Library Board of Trustees was called to order by President Julia Eichhorst, October 13, 2020 at 5:30pm.
      Present – Board members present included Julia Eichhorst, Julie Hill, Crystal Trout, Brandan Michels, Sheila Ritter and Michelle Simpson
      Others Present – Brittany Bass, Library Director, Lisa Boehl, Bookkeeper
    2. Recognition of Visitors and Public Comments–N/A
    3. Secretary’s Report and Approval of Previous Minutes
      The minutes of the September 8 meeting were reviewed. Sheila Ritter made a motion to approve the minutes. Brandan Michaels seconded the motion. Measure carried.
    4. Treasurer’s Report & Approval of Bills Payable
      The September 2020, treasurer report was reviewed. Sheila Ritter made a motion to approve the report. Crystal Trout seconded the motion. Measure carried. August payables were presented and two additional invoices were submitted for The Hometown Register for $72.80 and for Wildwoods Gallery and Framing for $247.94. Sheila Ritter made a motion to approve the payables and additional payments. Julie Hill seconded the motion. Measure carried. Lisa Boehl presented current available CD rates for the CD maturing on 10/29. Crystal Trout made a motion to roll the maturing CD funds into our money market account and revisit the rates in three months with the hope that rates will increase. Sheila Ritter seconded the motion. Measure carried.
    5. Committee Reports
      Finance Committee –The finance committee met to discuss financial perspective of the library renovation. More information will be given in new business.
      Personnel Committee –No report
      Policy/Bylaws Committee -No report
      Building/Grounds Committee – The building/grounds committee met to discuss the library renovation. More information will be given in new business.
      Public Relations/Marketing Committee -No Report
      Technology Committee -No report
      Planning Committee -No report
      Building/Grounds committee and Finance Committee are planning meetings in the next month to review the proposed renovation project
    6. Friends of the Library–No report.
    7. Librarian’s Report – Brittany presented a thorough written report to the board of directors.
      A concern of Brittany is the number of patrons asking for assistance on the computers applying for FOID cards and creating resumes. These are both very time consuming for the staff. Brittany suggested and the trustees agreed that having patrons make appointments is a good idea.
    8. Correspondence/Communication/Public Relations – N/A.
    9. Old Business
      Brittany presented an Intergovernmental Agreement for the Olney Full Armor Christian Academy such as has been made with RCCU #1 and St. Joe in Olney. Julie Hill made a motion to approve the agreement. Sheila Ritter seconded the motion. Measure carried.
    10. New Business
      Building Updates / Quotes – The Finance and Building Committees made a recommendation to the board to move forward with the purchase of a new circulation desk and replacement of the flooring at both tiled entrances and the area beneath the circulation desk.The board reviewed a bid from Bob Buscher to make a new library circulation desk. A motion was made by Michele Simpson to proceed with the purchase of the circulation desk from Bob Buscher at a cost of $7425. The trustees will request a donation of half the cost of the new circulation desk from the Friends of the Library; however, if the Friends do not agree to make the donation, the trustees will move forward and pay the full amount. The board would be grateful for any amount the Friends would like to contribute. Sheila Ritter seconded the motion. Measure carried. Brittany advised that Bob estimated the desk would be available in December.

      The board reviewed three quotes for flooring for the two entrances and for the area under the circulation desk. Brittany is going to request additional information from one of the providers, and the board will vote to approve the flooring project at the November meeting.

      Brittany advised that OPL will be closed on election day as per the call from Governor Pritzker.

      Brittany has been in contact with Ochs Plumbing and the Olney Sewer Department regarding the sewer issue on Main Street that is causing the library’s issues. There is some discrepancy as to whether the cost is the responsibility of the city or of the library. Brittany is going to try to call a meeting with Cecil Ochs and Jeff Lathrop or the city manager, and Brandan Michels or Julie Hill will also attend the meeting.

      Sheila Ritter made a motion to remove Chuck Roberts, Charlotte Bruce and Marie Riggs from the signature cards at all banks, and to replace them with Julia Eichhorst and Julie Hill. Crystal Trout will remain on the signature card. Marie Riggs name will be removed from the FNB lock box access and Julia Eichhorst will be added. Julie Hill seconded the motion. Measure carried.

      One lockbox key will be kept at the library and one key will stay in the possession of President Julia Eichhorst.

    11. Executive Session – N/A
    12. Adjournment – Sheila Ritter made a motion to adjourn. Michele Simpson seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned at 6:50pm.

Minutes submitted by Crystal Trout

October ’20 Board Meeting Minutes2025-02-10T12:33:22-06:00

September ’20 Board Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes



September 8, 2020

    1. Call to Order – Roll Call
      The monthly meeting of the Olney Public Library Board of Trustees was called to order by President Julia Eichhorst, September 8, 2020 at 5:30pm.
      Present – Board members present included Julia Eichhorst, Crystal Trout, David Abell, Beverly Loomis, and Brandan Michels
      Others Present – Brittany Bass, Library Director, Lisa Boehl, Bookkeeper
    2. Recognition of Visitors and Public Comments–N/A
    3. Secretary’s Report and Approval of Previous Minutes
      The minutes of the August 11 meeting were reviewed. Brandan Michels made a motion to approve the minutes. David Abell seconded the motion. Measure carried.
    4. Treasurer’s Report & Approval of Bills Payable
      The August 2020, treasurer report was reviewed. Crystal Trout made a motion to approve the report. Beverly Loomis seconded the motion. Measure carried. August payables were presented and one additional invoice was submitted for Usborne Books for $259.80. Crystal Trout made a motion to approve the payables and additional payment. David Abell seconded the motion. Measure carried. Lisa Boehl advised that a CD is coming due on 10/29, and that she will bring CD rates to the October meeting for review and discussion.
    5. Committee Reports
      Finance Committee –No report
      Personnel Committee –No report
      Policy/Bylaws Committee -No report
      Building/Grounds Committee – No report
      Public Relations/Marketing Committee -No Report
      Technology Committee -No report
      Planning Committee -No report
      Building/Grounds committee and Finance Committee are planning meetings in the next month to review the proposed renovation project
    6. Friends of the Library–No report.
    7. Librarian’s Report – Brittany presented a thorough written report to the board of directors.Librarian’s Report
      Brittany advised that she has all available information now from Samantha Brazil Interior Design to be able to get quotes from contractors and order furnishings, based on the recommendations of the building and finance committees.
    8. Correspondence/Communication/Public Relations – N/A.
    9. Old Business

      The Intergovernmental Agreement is now in effect with RCCU #1. Brittany met with the librarians of all local public schools and reported that great ideas resulted from that meeting.

      Committee Assignments – New committee assignments have been made. OPL does still have one empty trustee seat and hopes to fill it soon.

    10. New Business

      St. Joseph School in Olney is interested in entering an Intergovernmental Agreement with OPL also. Brittany proposed we use the same agreement as is in effect with RCCU #1. A vote was taken to extend the agreement to St. Joseph School and passed unanimously.

      Technology Play – Brittany reported that she does not feel any technology upgrades are necessary at this time..

      Building/Grounds Updates – The committee will be meeting soon to discuss the proposed renovation.

    11. Executive Session – N/A
    12. Adjournment – Beverly Loomis made a motion to adjourn. Brandan Michels seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned at 6:24pm.


Minutes submitted by Crystal Trout

September ’20 Board Meeting Minutes2025-02-10T12:33:22-06:00

July ’20 Board Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes



July 14, 2020

      1. Call to Order – Roll Call
        The monthly meeting of the Olney Public Library Board of Trustees was called to order by President Julia Eichhorst, July 14, 2020 at 5:00pm.Present – Board members present included Julia Eichhorst, Sheila Ritter, Crystal Trout, Julie Hill, Beverly Loomis, and Marie Riggs
        Brittany advised the trustees that Dan Zuber and Sarah Britton have retired from the board, effective immediately after many years of dedicated service.
        Others Present – Brittany Bass, Library Director, Lisa Boehl, Bookkeeper, Brandon Michels
      2. Recognition of Visitors and Public Comments
        Brandon Michels is attending the meeting as a non-voting, future trustee.
      3. Secretary’s Report and Approval of Previous Minutes
        The minutes of the March 10, 2020 and June 9, 2020 meetings were reviewed. Julie Hill made a motion to approve the minutes. Sheila Ritter seconded the motion. Measure carried.
      4. Treasurer’s Report & Approval of Bills Payable
        The May and June 2020, treasurer’s reports were reviewed. Sheila Ritter made a motion to approve the report. Julie Hill seconded the motion. Measure carried. June payables were presented, with additional checks for Sage, Ginger Ale’s and Wild Child Flower Farm. Sheila Ritter made a motion to approve. Beverly Loomis seconded the motion. Measure carried.Lisa Boehl requested making changes to the monthly budgetary report to add room rental and non-resident fees to the revenue section of the financial report and to combine all other small items into the fines and fees line of the financial report. Sheila Ritter made a motion to approve the changes. Julie Hill seconded the motion. Measure carried.The library has now added a Paypal account on the website for donations to the library. Lisa would like to link the Paypal account to a lower value checking account and is going to ask the city if the HER account can be put into the general fund account and the HER can become the Paypal account.
      5. Committee Reports
        Finance Committee –No report
        Personnel Committee –No report
        Policy/Bylaws Committee -No report
        Building/Grounds Committee – No report
        Public Relations/Marketing Committee -No Report
        Technology Committee -No report
        Planning Committee -No report
      6. Friends of the Library–Friends will not meet due to COVID concerns until further notice.
      7. Librarian’s Report
        Brittany presented a thorough written report to the board of directors, including that the IPLAR is complete and has been submitted.
      8. Correspondence/Communication/Public Relations – Brittany has the written resignation of Sarah Britton and will forward it to the mayor.
      9. Old Business
        Policy Updates – Brittany had distributed revised policy manual changes at the March 2020 meeting and emailed the changes to trustees prior to the July meeting. Changes were based on the February personnel committee meeting, room rental fee changes, new employee dress code and other policies that needed updated with our changing society such as service animals, and adding a no vaping clause to our non-smoking policy. Crystal Trout made a motion to approve the policy changes as submitted. Sheila Ritter seconded the motion. Measure carried.Board Members/Officers – Marie Riggs has indicated her desire to retire from the board. The board thanked Marie for her many years of service to the library. This leaves four openings for Trustees. Brandon Michels will be joining the board as a replacement for Herman Zuber. The board discussed several options for trustees whom Brittany will contact and present to the mayor if they are interested. Sheila Ritter also expressed interest in retiring from the board, but will remain on the board until a replacement is found.
      10. New Business
        Non-Resident Fees – Sheila Ritter made a motion to continue offering a non-resident fee of $55 for patrons living outside of city limits. Beverly Loomis seconded the motion. Measure carried.Library Needs – There were no suggestions from the trustees or from Brittany. It was noted that the signs at both the North and South entrances look awesome.

        Budget changes were presented including a $500 increase for advertising, addition of $11394 as revenue and expense for the IL Per Capita Grant and a rollover of $869. Sheila Ritter made a motion to approved the amended budget. Julie Hill seconded the motion. Measure carried.

        Sheila Ritter made a motion to offer Brittany a $2500 tuition reimbursement for continuing her education during the 2020-2021 academic year. Julie Hill seconded the motion. Measure carried.

      11. Executive Session – N/A
      12. Adjournment – Sheila Ritter made a motion to adjourn. Beverly Loomis seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned at 6:30pm.

    Minutes submitted by Crystal Trout

July ’20 Board Meeting Minutes2025-02-10T12:33:23-06:00

June ’20 Board Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes



June 9, 2020

      1. Call to Order – Roll Call

        The monthly meeting of the Olney Public Library Board of Trustees was called to order by Julia Eichhorst, June 9, 2020 at 5:35pm.

        Present – Board members present: Julia Eichhorst, Crystal Trout, Julie Hill, Beverly Loomis
        Absent – Board member absent: Sarah Britton, Marie Riggs, Sheila Ritter and Dan Zuber
        Others Present – Brittany Bass, Library Director and Lisa Boehl, Bookkeeper
        A board quorum was not present, so no action could be taken.

      2. Recognition of Visitors and Public Comments
      3. Secretary’s Report and Approval of Previous Minutes
        The minutes of the March, 2020 meeting were reviewed.
      4. Treasurer’s Report & Approval of Bills Payable
        The May 2020 treasurer’s reports and bills payable were reviewed. The board will approve the March, April, May and June payables at the July meeting.
      5. Committee Reports
        Finance Committee –No report
        Personnel Committee –Brittany’s annual evaluation summary was presented to her before the meeting. The results were quite good, and the board is very pleased with her performance. The summary was passed around for review by board members.
        Policy/Bylaws Committee-No report
        Building/Grounds Committee- No report
        Public Relations/Marketing Committee-Committee will meet in the upcoming month.
        Technology Committee-No report
        Planning Committee-No report
      6. Friends of the Library–The Friends group is not planning to meet until Covid restraints are lifted.
      7. Librarian’s Report
        Brittany Bass presented a thorough written report to the trustees. The board discussed re-opening and Brittany advised that libraries are considered a part of the phase 4 group as outlined by the Governor of Illinois.
      8. Correspondence/Communication/Public Relations – N/A
      9. Old Business
      10. New Business

        Action could not be taken to amend budget.

        Brittany submitted that OPL will participate in the non-resident program. She did not indicate an amount for the non-resident fee. Board will vote on the issue in July.

        The board still needs at least one board member. Brittany is going to begin contacting those on the prospective list that the board has discussed.

      11. Executive Session – N/A
      12. Adjournment – Meeting was dismissed by Julia Eichhorst at 6:10 p.m.

    Minutes submitted by Crystal Trout

June ’20 Board Meeting Minutes2025-02-10T12:33:23-06:00

February ’20 Board Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes



February 11, 2020

      1. Call to Order – Roll Call
        The monthly meeting of the Olney Public Library Board of Trustees was called to order by Julia Eichhorst, February 11, 2020 at 5:35pm.
        Present – Board members present: Julia Eichhorst, Crystal Trout, Sarah Britton, Julie Hill, Marie Riggs and Herman Zuber
        Absent – Board member absent: Sheila Ritter and Dan Zuber
        Others Present – Brittany Bass, Library Director and Lisa Boehl, Bookkeeper
      2. Recognition of Visitors and Public Comments
      3. Secretary’s Report and Approval of Previous Minutes
        The minutes of the January 15, 2020 meeting were reviewed. Herman Zuber made a motion to approve the minutes with the correction. Sarah Britton seconded the motion. Measure carried.
      4. Treasurer’s Report & Approval of Bills Payable
        The January 2020 treasurer’s reports and bills payable were reviewed. Sarah Britton made a motion to approve the report and payables. Herman Zuber seconded the motion. Measure carried.
      5. Committee Reports
        Finance Committee –No report
        Personnel Committee –The committee met today at 4:15 and discussed changes to the personnel policy manual. Brittany is going to do some research and make suggested changes to the policy. Policy with changes will be presented at the March meeting for review and approval. The committee also discussed Brittany’s ongoing evaluation which will be covered in new business.
        Policy/Bylaws Committee-No report
        Building/Grounds Committee- No report
        Public Relations/Marketing Committee-No report
        Technology Committee-No report
        Planning Committee-No report
      6. Friends of the Library–The two book clubs are meeting. The Friends group is meeting in March, but the scheduled date was not known.
      7. Librarian’s Report
        Brittany Bass presented a thorough written report to the trustees.
      8. Correspondence/Communication/Public Relations – The library received their annual certificate of status from the Chief County Assessment Officer which needs to be signed by Julia Eichhorst and returned to the Assessor’s office.
      9. Old Business
        New Board Members – The mayor has appointed Julie Hill and Beverly Loomis as trustees. They will be officially sworn in at the next meeting by the city clerk. Julia Eichhorst will distribute new committee assignments at the next meeting.Sick Time Policy – The personnel committee reviewed sick time as well as other policies at their meeting, and recommended changes will be given to the board at the March meeting for approval.
      10. New Business
        Butler Street Sign – Brittany presented quotes from Scheutz and Designforce for Butler Street entrance signs. A motion was made by Crystal Trout to approve the steel sign bid from Designforce. Sarah Britton seconded the motion. Motion carried. The board is going to consider lighting for the sign at a future date.Director’s Evaluation – Herman Zuber distributed copies of Brittany’s Self-Review Form and the Director Evaluation Summation Form. Trustees should complete the evaluation form and return it to Herman Zuber at the March meeting to be compiled by the personnel committee.

        Salaries/Raises – Brittany presented the trustees with information regarding minimum wage increases which will affect the 2020-2021 budget as she is currently working to create a budget to submit to the board. The trustees made recommendations to be included in the budget so she and Lisa Boehl can move forward with the process.

      11. Executive Session – N/A
      12. Adjournment – Sarah Britton made a motion to adjourn. Marie Riggs seconded the motion. Measure carried. Meeting was adjourned at 6:30pm.

    Minutes submitted by Crystal Trout

February ’20 Board Meeting Minutes2025-02-10T12:33:24-06:00

January ’20 Board Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes



January 15, 2020

      1. Call to Order – Roll Call
        The monthly meeting of the Olney Public Library Board of Trustees was called to order by Julia Eichhorst, January 15, 2020 at 5:35pm
        Present – Board members present: Julia Eichhorst, Sheila Ritter, Crystal Trout, Sarah Britton, Marie Riggs and Herman Zuber
        Absent – Board member absent: Dan Zuber
        Others Present – Brittany Bass, Library Director and Lisa Boehl, Bookkeeper
      2. Recognition of Visitors and Public Comments
      3. Secretary’s Report and Approval of Previous Minutes
        The minutes of the December 10, 2019 meeting were reviewed. One change was noted on page 2. The 2nd paragraph should say “rate from $30”, not “rate from $35” as written. Herman Zuber made a motion to approve the minutes with the correction. Sheila Ritter seconded the motion. Measure carried.
      4. Treasurer’s Report & Approval of Bills Payable
        The December 2019 treasurer’s reports and bills payable were reviewed. Herman Zuber made a motion to approve the report and payables. Sheila Ritter seconded the motion. Measure carried.

        Sheila Ritter made a motion to open the current budget to add the $2500 grant from Carrie Winters to revenue and approve an expense line for Carrie Winters Books for the same, also to add the $3155 refund from Clearwave to revenue and approve it to be spent as miscellaneous expense.

      5. Committee Reports
        Finance Committee –Lisa and Brittany have begun work on the 2020/21 budget factoring in the minimum wage increases that will take effect during the time period. After a budget draft has been made, Brittany will schedule a meeting with the finance committee for review.
        Personnel Committee –Brittany submitted her 2020 goals to chairperson Herman Zuber for the committee to review. The personnel committee will meet soon to review those and discuss other issues.
        Policy/Bylaws Committee-No report
        Building/Grounds Committee- No report
        Public Relations/Marketing Committee-No report
        Technology Committee-No report
        Planning Committee-No report
      6. Friends of the Library–No report
      7. Librarian’s Report
        Brittany Bass presented a thorough written report to the trustees. Brittany included a written dress code and a cell phone policy which are now in place for library employees.
      8. Correspondence/Communication/Public Relations
      9. Old Business

        New Board Members – The board discussed potential residents to recommend to Mayor Lambird for trustee appointment. Brittany is going to contact the Mayor and hopefully the appointments can be made before the February meeting.

        Julia Eichhorst submitted tentative committee assignments for 2020. There will be committee revisions made when new board members are appointed by the mayor.

      10. New Business

        Multipurpose Room Rental Fee – Herman Zuber made a motion to charge a minimum of $50 to City of Olney residents for the use of the multipurpose room and rental fee of $75 for non-residents. Sheila Ritter seconded the motion. Measure carried. “Residents” will include anyone who pays City of Olney property taxes and qualifies for a free library card. The library policy manual (page 4) will be updated to reflect this change. Brittany will also create a form for room rental which will be used moving forward.

        Sick Time Policy – Brittany presented the current policy from the personnel manual for the trustees to review. The personnel committee will discuss the information at their next meeting and make a recommendation to the board.

        Butler Street Sign – Brittany is obtaining quotes for a library sign to be placed at the Butler Street entrance. The board recommended the sign also be lighted.

      11. Executive Session – N/A
      12. Adjournment – Sarah Britton made a motion to adjourn. Marie Riggs seconded the motion. Measure carried. Meeting was adjourned at 6:40pm.

    Minutes submitted by Crystal Trout

January ’20 Board Meeting Minutes2025-02-10T12:33:24-06:00

December ’19 Board Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes



December 10, 2019

      1. Call to Order – Roll Call
        The monthly meeting of the Olney Public Library Board of Trustees was called to order by Julia Eichhorst, December 10, 2019 at 5:30pm. It was noted that no November meeting was held as a quorum of trustees were not available on the scheduled meeting date.

        Present – Board members present: Julia Eichhorst, Sheila Ritter, Crystal Trout, Sarah Britton, Herman ZuberAbsent – Board members absent: Marie Riggs, Dan Zuber

        Others Present – Brittany Bass, Library Director and Lisa Boehl, Bookkeeper

      2. Recognition of Visitors and Public Comments
      3. Secretary’s Report and Approval of Previous Minutes
        The minutes of the October 8, 2019 meeting were reviewed. Herman Zuber made a motion to approve the minutes. Sheila Ritter seconded the motion. Measure carried.
      4. Treasurer’s Report & Approval of Bills Payable
        The October and November 2019 treasurer’s reports and bills paid/payable were reviewed. Sarah Britton made a motion to approve the report and payables. Herman Zuber seconded the motion. Measure carried.
      5. Committee Reports
        Finance Committee –No report
        Personnel Committee –Two of the previously assigned members of the personnel committee are no longer on the board. Julia Eichhorst is going to re-assign committee members to the personnel committee so that the director evaluation process can begin. Herman Zuber expressed interest in serving on the personnel committee.
        Policy/Bylaws Committee-No report
        Building/Grounds Committee- No report
        Public Relations/Marketing Committee-No report
        Technology Committee-No report
        Planning Committee-No report
      6. Friends of the Library–No report
      7. Librarian’s Report
        Brittany Bass presented thorough written reports to the trustees for both October and November.Brittany indicated there is a challenge from a library neighbor regarding the new outdoor lighting. The board asked her to try to resolve the issue without changing the lighting at this time.The trustees discussed raising the room rental rate from $30 as there is an increase in the number of showers, rehearsal dinners, etc being held at the facility. These events require a staff member to be present and increased custodial work.
      8. Correspondence/Communication/Public Relations
      9. Old Business
        New Board Members – A list of suggested replacements for vacated trustee positions has been provided to the mayor, but no new trustees have been appointed by him. Brittany will follow up on that process on behalf of the board. Julia has been holding on committee assignments until new member names are available.Per capita requirements – Trustees have met the requirements for the per capita grant, but Brittany encouraged everyone to consider viewing the educational seminars available.Holidays/Days Off – Brittany presented a list of the current staff holidays as well as city holidays and federal holidays. It was decided to keep the holidays as is. There was discussion of trying to increase patronage on holidays with ideas such as giftwrapping in the conference room on black Friday, etc.
      10. New Business
        Christmas Party – Brittany is going to plan a Christmas party for staff members.Staff Bonuses – Herman Zuber made a motion to give the four staff members a net holiday bonus of $50 and the library director a net holiday bonus of $100. Deductions will be made as required by law. Net amounts will be after deductions. Sheila Ritter seconded the motion. Measure carried. The trustees are pleased to award these bonuses as a thank you for our staff and director’s hard work throughout the year.
      11. Executive Session – N/A
      12. Adjournment – Sarah Britton made a motion to adjourn. Herman Zuber seconded the motion. Measure carried. Meeting was adjourned at 6:40pm.

    Minutes submitted by Crystal Trout

December ’19 Board Meeting Minutes2025-02-10T12:34:34-06:00

October ’19 Board Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes



October 8, 2019 Minutes

      1. Call to Order – Roll Call
        The monthly meeting of the Olney Public Library Board of Trustees was called to order by Julia Eichhorst, October 8, 2019 at 5:30pm.
        Present – Julia Eichhorst, Sheila Ritter, Crystal Trout, Sarah Britton, Marie Riggs, Dan Zuber, Herman Zuber
        Others Present – Brittany Bass, Library Director and Lisa Boehl, Bookkeeper
      2. Recognition of Visitors and Public Comments
      3. Secretary’s Report and Approval of Previous Minutes
        The minutes of the September 10, 2019 meeting were reviewed. Herman Zuber made a motion to approve the minutes. Sheila Ritter seconded the motion. Measure carried.
      4. Treasurer’s Report & Approval of Bills Payable
        The September 2019 treasurer’s report was reviewed. Dan Zuber made a motion to approve the report. Herman Zuber seconded the motion. Motion carried. One additional check was presented for Baker & Taylor for $640.28 for books. Sheila Ritter made a motion to approve the additional payable. Sarah Britton seconded the motion. Motion carried.
      5. Committee Reports
        Finance Committee –No report
        Personnel Committee –No report
        Policy/Bylaws Committee-No report
        Building/Grounds Committee- No report
        Public Relations/Marketing Committee-No report
        Technology Committee-No report
        Planning Committee-No report
      6. Friends of the LibraryFriends of the Library’s book sale is this Friday and Saturday. Eleven volunteers met to sort books today and will meet again tomorrow to finish the project. Brittany shared the write-ups in both the Olney Daily Mail and Olney Gazette about the Friends and the new sign.
      7. Librarian’s Report
        Brittany Bass presented a thorough written report to the trustees.Additionally, Brittany has ordered 50 library yard signs that can be purchased by patrons. The signs are a great marketing piece for the library. The board discussed the multiple programs and author visits that have been taking place at the library which have been extremely well attended.

        Brittany noted that the library will be closed on November 7th so staff members can attend training. Brittany will publish the closure in advance by all available means.

        The lighting around the building has been installed by Scheutz Companies and the new pole lights are on order and will be installed upon arrival.

      8. Correspondence/Communication/Public Relations
      9. Old BusinessNew Board Members – Brittany has sent a letter to the mayor regarding our new term limit policy and has also sent him the resignation letters of Charlotte Bruce and Charles Roberts. Brittany asked Mayor Lambird to fill the open positions as soon as possible, and she will follow up with him this week to see if any progress has been made.
      10. New BusinessLong Range Plan Progress Report – Brittany would like our current 5-year plan to include more details. She is going to review the plan with the planning committee and revise to more closely reflect the format of 5-year plans she has researched from other libraries.

        Library Policies and Bylaws – Brittany expressed concern over verbiage in our current personnel manual and is going to research the issue further. Brittany will follow up with the policy/bylaws committee. Brittany noted that there is an HR service that helps libraries write personnel policies, and she is going to check further into that service. Brittany also suggested that the trustees consider paid holidays of OPL be the same as that of Olney City Hall. She is going to research it further and present information at the November meeting.

        Brittany has also been reviewing other policies in the manual and will bring the trustees suggestions as she sees fit.

      11. Executive Session – N/A
      12. Adjournment – Sarah Britton made a motion to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 6:10pm.

    Minutes submitted by Crystal Trout

October ’19 Board Meeting Minutes2025-02-10T12:34:35-06:00

July ’19 Board of Trustee Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes



July 9, 2019 Minutes

    1. Call to Order – Roll CallThe monthly meeting of the Olney Public Library Board of Trustees was called to order by President Charles Roberts, July 9, 2019 at 5:30pm.

      Present – Board members present included Charles Roberts, Charlotte Bruce, Crystal Trout, Sarah Britton, Julia Eichhorst, Marie Riggs, Sheila Ritter, Herman Zuber and Dan Zuber

      Others Present – Brittany Bass, Library Director and Lisa Boehl, Bookkeeper

    2. Recognition of Visitors and Public Comments
      No visitors were present
    3. Secretary’s Report and Approval of Previous MinutesThe minutes of the June 11, 2019 meeting were reviewed. Sarah Britton made a motion to approve the minutes. Charlotte Bruce seconded the motion. Measure carried.
    4. Treasurer’s Report & Approval of Bills PayableThe June 2019 treasurer’s report was reviewed. One additional check was presented for Richland Heritage Museum for $40. Herman Zuber made a motion to approve the report and payables. Julia Eichhorst seconded the motion. Motion carried.
    5. Committee ReportsFinance Committee –No report

      Personnel Committee –No report

      Policy/Bylaws Committee-The committee is going to meet in July at Brittany’s request to discuss policy issues. Charlotte presented the current collection plan (p14-15 of OPL policy manual) and no changes were needed.

      Building/Grounds Committee- No report

      Public Relations/Marketing Committee-No report

      Technology Committee-No report

      Planning Committee-No report

    6. Friends of the LibraryFriends of the Library’s next meeting will be September 16th at 5:00 pm at OPL. They will be working on the upcoming book sale to be held October 11-12. Volunteers are needed for book sorting.

      The Friends of the Library presented a revised version of the Memorandum of Understanding presented to them in October 2017 by the trustees. They made changes to the memorandum for review by the trustees. Parts of the revisions were not compliant with the wishes of the whole of the trustees. The memorandum will be taken up again at the August meeting of the trustees.

    7. Librarian’s ReportBrittany Bass presented a thorough written report to the trustees.

      Brittany reported that OPL has received a $5000 grant from WalMart D.C. to help cover costs of programs and miscellaneous needs of the library. A motion was made by Julia Eichhorst to open the budget and add the $5000 grant line and that the money can be spent for general or miscellaneous library expenses. Charlotte Bruce seconded the motion. Motion carried.

    8. Correspondence/Communication/Public Relations – Nothing to report.
    9. Old BusinessCommittee assignments will be assigned by the new president who will be elected under new business.
    10. New BusinessThe nominating committee reported nominations for officers and suggestions to be given to the mayor for new trustees.

      A motion was presented to elect Sheila Ritter as Treasurer and Crystal Trout as Secretary by Crystal Trout. Motion was seconded by Herman Zuber and carried unanimously. A vote was held and Julia Eichhorst was elected President and Charlotte Bruce Vice-President by a 4-3 margin.

      The list of suggested trustees will be given to the Mayor for his review.

      Brittany will email the trustees statistics from the IPLAR. A hard copy can be made available upon request.

    11. Executive Session – N/A
    12. Adjournment – Sarah Britton made a motion to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 6:30pm.

    Minutes submitted by Crystal Trout

July ’19 Board of Trustee Minutes2025-02-10T12:34:36-06:00
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