July 10, 2024

  1. Call to Order – Roll Call
    • The monthly meeting of the Olney Public Library Board of Trustees was called to order by President Julia Eichhorst September 10, 2024 at 5:35 pm.
    • Present – Julia Eichhorst, Andrea Puckett, Crystal Trout, David Abell, Denyse Eagleson, Amy Keck, Derek Mason
    • Absent – Rachel Kincade
    • Others Present – Logan Braddock, Director and Janilyn Travis, Bookkeeper
  2. Recognition of Visitors and Public Comments – N/A
  3. Secretary’s Report and Approval of Previous Minutes
    The minutes of the August 13 meeting were reviewed. Andrea Puckett made a motion to approve the minutes with a change of David Abell’s name changed from David Keck. Amy Keck seconded the motion. Measure carried.
  4. Treasurer’s Report & Approval of Bills Payable
    • The August 2024 financial reports were reviewed. Crystal Trout made a motion to approve the financials and bills payable. Derek Mason seconded the motion. Measure carried.
    • Derek Mason made a motion to open the budget to add a $500 gift from Philip Crackel. The gift will be placed on the budget as a Crackel gift as an expense and revenue.
    • Trustees discussed moving funds from the general fund money market account to a CD for higher interest rates. Janilyn will report rates at the October meeting.
  5. Committee Reports
    • Finance Committee – -No report
    • Personnel Committee – No report
    • Policy/Bylaws Committee – No report
    • Building/Grounds/Technology Committee–No report
    • Public Relations/Marketing Committee – No report
    • Technology Committee – No report
    • Planning Committee – No report
  6. Librarian’s Report
    • Logan presented a written report and schedule for the library usage.
    • Logan updated the trustees that the pickleball association is going to donate some kits to the library to check out as per policies that work for OPL.
  7. Correspondence/Communication/Public Relations – N/A.
  8. Old Business
    • Board vacancy – the board discussed potential candidates to fill the current empty position.
    • Laptop Quote – Logan has received a quote from Lazerware for a laptop. He would like to obtain other quotes before making a purchase.
  9. New Business
    • Author Talk – Logan presented an opportunity to invite Matt Tavares to OPL. Matt is the author of holiday books and we would ask him to visit in December. The cost would be $3500 + airfare + hotel. Crystal Trout made a motion to schedule the author visit. Amy Keck seconded the motion. Measure carried.
    • Chapter 8 – Logan presented points of the chapter 8 regulations. OPL is currently in compliance.
  10. Executive Session – N/A
  11. Adjournment – Andrea Puckett made a motion to adjourn. Denyse Eagleson seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned at 6:22 pm.

Save Minutes submitted by Crystal Trout.