May 14, 2024

  1. Call to Order – Roll Call
    • The monthly meeting of the Olney Public Library Board of Trustees was called to order by President Julia Eichhorst May 14, 2024 at 5:30 pm.
    • Present – Board members present included Julia Eichhorst, Crystal Trout, Denyse Eagleson,
      Amy Keck, Derek Mason and Linn Wells
    • Absent – David Abell, Rachel Kinkade and Andrea Puckett
    • Others Present – Logan Braddock, Director and Janilyn Travis, Bookkeeper
  2. Recognition of Visitors and Public Comments – N/A
  3. Secretary’s Report and Approval of Previous Minutes
    The minutes of the April 9 meeting were reviewed. Denyse Eagleson made a motion to approve the minutes. Amy Keck seconded the motion. Measure carried.
  4. Treasurer’s Report & Approval of Bills Payable
    • Crystal Trout made a motion to open the budget to move $2690 from Miscellaneous Programming to Miscellaneous Expense. Derek Mason seconded the motion. Measure carried.
    • The April 2024 financial reports were reviewed. Crystal Trout made a motion to approve the financials with the aforementioned budget amendment. Linn Wells seconded the motion. Measure carried.
    • Amy Keck made a motion to approve the April bills payable. Denyse Eagleson seconded the motion. Measure carried.
    • A $40,000 CD held with Trust bank is maturing on 5/18/24. Derek Mason made a motion to cash out the CD, place the interest in the general fund and re-invest the $40,000 into a CD with First National Bank for 18 months at a rate of 4.59%. Crystal Trout seconded the motion. Measure carried.
  5. Committee Reports
    • Finance Committee – -No report
    • Personnel Committee – No report
    • Policy/Bylaws Committee – No report
    • Building/Grounds/Technology Committee–No report
    • Public Relations/Marketing Committee–A written report was submitted by the PR
      committee following a review meeting that was held on April 22.
    • Technology Committee-No report
    • Planning Committee-No report
  6. Librarian’s Report
    • Logan presented a written report and schedule for the library usage. Logan advised that the summer reading program would start soon and that recent programming had been well attended.
  7. Correspondence/Communication/Public Relations – N/A.
  8. Old Business – Committee Appointments – New committee appointments were distributed to the trustees.
  9. New Business
    • 2024-2025 Library Holidays – Logan reviewed library holidays for the upcoming fiscal year.
    • Chapter 4 – Access – Logan reviewed the points of the chapter and indicated that new lines should be painted in the parking lot. Julia is going to check with the City of Olney about this. Logan suggested that we meet to discuss long-term space needs. He will organize a meeting of the building committee to review needs and present to the trustees.
  10. Executive Session – N/A
  11. Adjournment – Amy Keck made a motion to adjourn. Denyse Eagleson seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned at 6:27 pm.

Save Minutes submitted by Crystal Trout.