May 14, 2024

  1. Call to Order – Roll Call
    • The monthly meeting of the Olney Public Library Board of Trustees was called to order by Vice President Rachel Kinkade June 11, 2024 at 5:36 pm.
    • Present – Board members present included Rachel Kinkade, Crystal Trout, Denyse Eagleson, Amy Keck, Derek Mason, Linn Wells
    • Absent – David Abell, Julia Eichhorst, Andrea Puckett
    • Others Present – Logan Braddock, Director and Janilyn Travis, Bookkeeper
  2. Recognition of Visitors and Public Comments – N/A
  3. Secretary’s Report and Approval of Previous Minutes
    The minutes of the May 14 meeting were reviewed. Denyse Eagleson made a motion to approve the minutes. Amy Keck seconded the motion. Measure carried.
  4. Treasurer’s Report & Approval of Bills Payable
    • The May 2024 financial reports were reviewed. Derek Mason made a motion to approve the financials. Crystal Trout seconded the motion. Measure carried.
    • Crystal Trout made a motion to approve the May bills payable. Derek Mason seconded the motion. Measure carried.
    • Amy Keck made a motion to approve the April bills payable. Denyse Eagleson seconded the motion. Measure carried.
    • A $50,000 CD held with First National Bank is maturing on 6/13/24. Crystal Trout made a motion to cash out the CD, place the interest in the general fund and reinvest the $50,000 into a CD with First Financial Bank for 210 days at a rate of 5% interest. Derek Mason seconded the motion. Measure carried.
  5. Committee Reports
    • Finance Committee – -No report
    • Personnel Committee – No report
    • Policy/Bylaws Committee – No report
    • Building/Grounds/Technology Committee–No report
    • Public Relations/Marketing Committee – No report
    • Technology Committee – No report
    • Planning Committee – No report
  6. Librarian’s Report
    • Logan presented a written report and schedule for the library usage. Logan advised that the summer reading program had started and that both the Lego program and teen game nights were continuing.
  7. Correspondence/Communication/Public Relations – N/A.
  8. Old Business – Logan is going to recheck bids for replacing the lighting in the library. Julia is checking with the City regarding repainting the parking lines.
  9. New Business
    • Per Capita – We have received notification that our Per Capita Grant will be $12,920.99.
    • Logan presented end of (fiscal) year statistics: 1971 active library cards, 41,935 physical checkouts/renewals, 32,950 visitors to the library, 5,751 Hoopla borrows, 2,615 Libby borrows, 814 Coud and 2,076 ebook checkouts.
    • Chapter 5 – Building Infrastructure and Maintenance – Logan noted that he had begun a physical inventory of library assets and that the building committee needed to establish a yearly checklist and a 3 and 5 year plan for the building.
    • Olney Pickleball Club has asked the library if we can provide a service of paddle checkouts. Logan is going to ask for more information and return to the board next month.
    • The trustees/library are purchasing $100 in books as a memorial to Charlotte Bruce, past trustee and servant of the Olney Public Library. The trustees offer condolences to her family and are thankful for her service to our community.
  10. Executive Session – N/A
  11. Adjournment – Amy Keck made a motion to adjourn. Derek Mason seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned at 6:29 pm.

Save Minutes submitted by Crystal Trout.