November ’20 Board Meeting Minutes
Library Staff2025-02-10T12:33:22-06:00OLNEY PUBLIC LIBRARY
November 10, 2020
- Call to Order – Roll Call
The monthly meeting of the Olney Public Library Board of Trustees called to order by President Julia Eichhorst, November 10, 2020 at 5:30pm.
Present – Board members present included Julia Eichhorst, Julie Hill, Crystal Trout, Beverly Loomis, Brandan Michels, Chelsea Rude and Michelle Simpson
Absent – Board members absent included David Abell
Others Present – Brittany Bass, Library Director, Lisa Boehl, Bookkeeper - Recognition of Visitors and Public Comments–N/A
- Secretary’s Report and Approval of Previous Minutes
The minutes of the October 13 meeting were reviewed. Julie Hill made a motion to approve the minutes. Brandan Michaels seconded the motion. Measure carried. - Treasurer’s Report & Approval of Bills Payable
The October 2020, treasurer report was reviewed. Julie Hill made a motion to approve the report. Michelle Simpson seconded the motion. Measure carried. October payables were presented. Chelsea Rude made a motion to approve the payables. Brandan Michels seconded the motion. Measure carried. Julie Hill made a motion for Chelsea Rude to be elected treasurer of OPL trustees. Brandan Michels seconded the motion. Measure carried. - Committee Reports
Finance Committee –No report
Personnel Committee –No report
Policy/Bylaws Committee -No report
Building/Grounds Committee – No report
Public Relations/Marketing Committee -No Report
Technology Committee -No report
Planning Committee -No report
Building/Grounds committee and Finance Committee are planning meetings in the next month to review the proposed renovation project - Friends of the Library–The Friends of the Library made a generous donation of $3712.50 for the purchase of the new circulation desk, and payment has been sent to Bob Buscher. The library is very grateful for this donation. The Friends of the Library will likely be disbanding in the spring, and has asked the library for a wish list for the existing available funds.
- Librarian’s Report – Brittany presented a thorough written report to the board of directors.
Brittany indicated that no action has been taken on the sewer situation as she cannot reach Ochs. Jeff Lathrop is planning to clean the sewer out this week as maintenance to keep it from backing up. Brittany is going to contact the city manager about the situation. - Correspondence/Communication/Public Relations – Sheila Ritter has submitted a letter of resignation as trustee. The library thanks her for her many years of public service.
- Old Business
Michelle Simpson made a motion to add “Intergovernmental Agreements” to the library policy manual. Chelsea Rude seconded the motion. Motion carried.Crystal Trout made a motion to add Chelsea Rude to the signature cards at all local banking institutions where needed. Michelle Simpson seconded the motion. Measure carried.
- New Business
Christmas Bonuses-Michelle Simpson made a motion to give all the four staff members a net holiday bonus of $50 and the library director a net holiday bonus of $100. Deductions will be made as required by law. Net amounts will be after deductions. Lisa Boehl and Kyle Ziegler will also each be given a $50 holiday bonus. Chelsea Rude seconded the motion. Measure carried. The trustees are pleased to award these bonuses as a thank you for hard work throughout the year.
Brittany will take the staff out for a meal as a Christmas party this year.
The board reviewed two final quotes for flooring for the two entrances and for the area under the circulation desk. Michelle Simpson made a motion to accept the bid of Racklin Paint and Decorating, for $16044.97 with the preferred flooring, waiving the bidding process. Brandan Michels seconded the motion. Measure carried. - Executive Session – N/A
- Adjournment – Beverly Loomis made a motion to adjourn. Chelsea Rude seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned at 6:30pm.
- Call to Order – Roll Call
Minutes submitted by Crystal Trout