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September ’19 Board of Trustee Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes



September 10, 2019 Minutes

      1. Call to Order – Roll Call
        The monthly meeting of the Olney Public Library Board of Trustees was called to order by Crystal Trout, September 10, 2019 at 5:33pm. Present – Board members present: Crystal Trout, Marie Riggs, Charles Roberts, Dan Zuber, Herman Zuber.Absent – Board members absent: Sarah Britton, Julia Eichhorst, Sheila Ritter.Others Present – Brittany Bass, Library Director and Lisa Boehl, Bookkeeper
      2. Recognition of Visitors and Public Comments
      3. Secretary’s Report and Approval of Previous Minutes
        The minutes of the August 13, 2019 meeting were reviewed. Charles Roberts made a motion to approve the minutes. Dan Zuber seconded the motion. Measure carried.
      4. Treasurer’s Report & Approval of Bills Payable
        The August 2019 treasurer’s report was reviewed. Additional checks presented for Barlow Lock and Security Inc. for $216.00, House of Guitars for $738.97 and The Lyceum Agency for $90.00. Herman Zuber made a motion to approve the report and payables. Charles Roberts seconded the motion. Motion carried.
      5. Committee Reports
        Finance Committee –No reportPersonnel Committee –No reportPolicy/Bylaws Committee-No reportBuilding/Grounds Committee- No report

        Public Relations/Marketing Committee-No report

        Technology Committee-No report

        Planning Committee-No report

      6. Friends of the Library
        Friends of the Library’s next meeting will be September 16th at 5:00 pm at OPL. They will be working on the upcoming book sale to be held October 11-12. Volunteers are needed for book sorting and Brittany has a sign-up sheet.
      7. Librarian’s Report
        Brittany Bass presented a thorough written report to the trustees.
      8. Correspondence/Communication/Public Relations
        Brittany circulated the tax levy report.A letter of resignation (from the board of trustees) was presented/read by Charles Roberts. Mr. Roberts has served on the board for over 20 years and feels positively about the direction of OPL and its leadership.The trustees also acknowledged the receipt of a resignation by email from Charlotte Bruce.
      9. Old Business
        New Board Members – There are now two open trustee positions on the board. Brittany will contact Mayor Lambird to ask for appointments and forward him a list of suggestions that was developed by the nominating committee and presented to the board in July. Additional board members will leave the board in May 2020 in response to the new term limit policy established June 2019. New committee assignments will be established by President Eichhorst when new trustees come onto the board.
      10. New Business
        Building & Grounds – The sign is now up and running.Brittany presented two project bids from Scheutz Companies for upgraded lighting for the library for $2,625.00 to replace lights on the building and $2850.00 to replace the light heads on the poles leading to Main Street.

        Herman Zuber made a motion to accept the bid from Scheutz to install six new LED lights around the outside of the library building for $2,625.00. Marie Riggs seconded the motion. Motion carried. Funds will be used from the Special Reserve Building fund to complete the project.

        Dan Zuber made a motion to accept the bid from Scheutz to replace the heads of the current pole lights that line the library drive coming from Main Street for $2850.00 The new heads will have an auto shut off (dusk to dawn) feature. Herman Zuber seconded the motion. Motion carried. Funds will be used from the Special Reserve Building fund to complete the project.

      11. Executive Session – N/A
      12. Adjournment – Marie Riggs made a motion to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 6:27pm

    Minutes submitted by Crystal Trout

September ’19 Board of Trustee Minutes2019-11-21T16:06:49-06:00

August ’19 Board of Trustee Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes



August 13, 2019 Minutes

      1. Call to Order – Roll Call
        The monthly meeting of the Olney Public Library Board of Trustees was called to order by President Julia Eichhorst, August 13, 2019 at 5:37pm.Present – Board members present: Julia Eichhorst, Charlotte Bruce, Sheila Ritter, Crystal Trout, Sarah Britton

        Absent – Board members absent: Marie Riggs, Chuck Roberts, Dan Zuber, Herman Zuber

        Others Present – Brittany Bass, Library Director and Lisa Boehl, Bookkeeper

      2. Recognition of Visitors and Public Comments
      3. Secretary’s Report and Approval of Previous Minutes
        The minutes of the July 9, 2019 meeting were reviewed. Sarah Britton made a motion to approve the minutes. Sheila Ritter seconded the motion. Measure carried.
      4. Treasurer’s Report & Approval of Bills Payable
        The July 2019 treasurer’s report was reviewed. Written report date was corrected to July 31, 2019. One additional check was presented for Westville Public Library for $14.99. Sheila Ritter made a motion to approve the report and payables. Sarah Britton seconded the motion. Motion carried.
      5. Committee Reports
        Finance Committee –No reportPersonnel Committee –No report

        Policy/Bylaws Committee-A presentation of recommended changes to the policy manual. Sarah Britton made a motion to accept the presented policy and procedure changes. Sheila Ritter seconded the motion. Motion Carried.

        Building/Grounds Committee- No report

        Public Relations/Marketing Committee-No report

        Technology Committee-No report

        Planning Committee-No report

      6. Friends of the Library
        Friends of the Library’s next meeting will be September 16th at 5:00 pm at OPL. They will be working on the upcoming book sale to be held October 11-12. Volunteers are needed for book sorting.
      7. Librarian’s Report
        Brittany Bass presented a thorough written report to the trustees. Additionally, Brittany advised the trustees that over 1600 books were read in the children’s summer reading challenge. Also, a new water fountain has been ordered as the old one has quit and is too expensive to repair. Bricks have arrived for our new sign. As soon as masonry work is done the sign will be installed.
      8. Correspondence/Communication/Public Relations – Nothing to report.
      9. Old Business
        Committee assignments were distributed to trustees. There was some discussion about implementing the new term limit plan and which trustees past the limit would be the first to retire. Brittany is going to contact affected trustees by email. After we have a retirement list, we will advise Mayor Lambird of suggestions for new trustees.
      10. New Business
        Director’s Salary – Following discussion by the trustees a motion was made by Charlotte Bruce to increase the director’s base salary by $2049.89 based on her recent exemplary review and performance. The motion was seconded by Sarah Britton. Motion carried.

        Based on personnel committee urging for Brittany to continue her education (during the hiring process) Crystal Trout made a motion to reimburse Brittany up to $2500 for higher education tuition expenses for the 2019-2020 academic year. The motion was seconded by Sarah Britton. Motion passed.

        New Policies Presentation – See committee reports above.

        Memorandum of Understanding – There was a lengthy discussion regarding the revised memorandum of understanding (with changes by the Friends group). An issue of concern is that the MOA as presented states that it is not a legally binding document. Sheila Ritter made a motion to accept the MOA as presented by the Friends. Sarah Britton seconded the motion. 3 votes yes/1 vote no/1 abstain.

        Brittany advised that all trustees need to complete 1 online training course about organizational management, preferably by the September meeting.

        Sheila Ritter asked if OPL would be interested in partnering with the Visual Arts Children’s Committee of the Olney Arts Council on an illustrator presentation. OPL is interested.

      11. Executive Session – N/A
      12. Adjournment – Sarah Britton made a motion to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 7:16pm

    Minutes submitted by Crystal Trout

August ’19 Board of Trustee Minutes2019-11-21T16:06:58-06:00

July ’19 Board of Trustee Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes



July 9, 2019 Minutes

    1. Call to Order – Roll CallThe monthly meeting of the Olney Public Library Board of Trustees was called to order by President Charles Roberts, July 9, 2019 at 5:30pm.

      Present – Board members present included Charles Roberts, Charlotte Bruce, Crystal Trout, Sarah Britton, Julia Eichhorst, Marie Riggs, Sheila Ritter, Herman Zuber and Dan Zuber

      Others Present – Brittany Bass, Library Director and Lisa Boehl, Bookkeeper

    2. Recognition of Visitors and Public Comments
      No visitors were present
    3. Secretary’s Report and Approval of Previous MinutesThe minutes of the June 11, 2019 meeting were reviewed. Sarah Britton made a motion to approve the minutes. Charlotte Bruce seconded the motion. Measure carried.
    4. Treasurer’s Report & Approval of Bills PayableThe June 2019 treasurer’s report was reviewed. One additional check was presented for Richland Heritage Museum for $40. Herman Zuber made a motion to approve the report and payables. Julia Eichhorst seconded the motion. Motion carried.
    5. Committee ReportsFinance Committee –No report

      Personnel Committee –No report

      Policy/Bylaws Committee-The committee is going to meet in July at Brittany’s request to discuss policy issues. Charlotte presented the current collection plan (p14-15 of OPL policy manual) and no changes were needed.

      Building/Grounds Committee- No report

      Public Relations/Marketing Committee-No report

      Technology Committee-No report

      Planning Committee-No report

    6. Friends of the LibraryFriends of the Library’s next meeting will be September 16th at 5:00 pm at OPL. They will be working on the upcoming book sale to be held October 11-12. Volunteers are needed for book sorting.

      The Friends of the Library presented a revised version of the Memorandum of Understanding presented to them in October 2017 by the trustees. They made changes to the memorandum for review by the trustees. Parts of the revisions were not compliant with the wishes of the whole of the trustees. The memorandum will be taken up again at the August meeting of the trustees.

    7. Librarian’s ReportBrittany Bass presented a thorough written report to the trustees.

      Brittany reported that OPL has received a $5000 grant from WalMart D.C. to help cover costs of programs and miscellaneous needs of the library. A motion was made by Julia Eichhorst to open the budget and add the $5000 grant line and that the money can be spent for general or miscellaneous library expenses. Charlotte Bruce seconded the motion. Motion carried.

    8. Correspondence/Communication/Public Relations – Nothing to report.
    9. Old BusinessCommittee assignments will be assigned by the new president who will be elected under new business.
    10. New BusinessThe nominating committee reported nominations for officers and suggestions to be given to the mayor for new trustees.

      A motion was presented to elect Sheila Ritter as Treasurer and Crystal Trout as Secretary by Crystal Trout. Motion was seconded by Herman Zuber and carried unanimously. A vote was held and Julia Eichhorst was elected President and Charlotte Bruce Vice-President by a 4-3 margin.

      The list of suggested trustees will be given to the Mayor for his review.

      Brittany will email the trustees statistics from the IPLAR. A hard copy can be made available upon request.

    11. Executive Session – N/A
    12. Adjournment – Sarah Britton made a motion to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 6:30pm.

    Minutes submitted by Crystal Trout

July ’19 Board of Trustee Minutes2019-11-21T16:07:12-06:00

Learn About Our eBook Program


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Learn about our eBook Program

What you need.

  • You will need a valid library card and PIN (password).
  • Internet Access.
  • The 3M Cloud App.
  • A valid email address. You can be notified when your titles are available for download.

Get started.

  1. Open App.
  2. Log in.
  3. Select Illinois Heartland Library System or path to eBooks.
  4. Search for the book you want and download it to your device.

We are more than happy to help you get started. Just bring in your mobile device and we can help with the set up. Find an overview of the 3M Cloud Library and support information on the 3M Cloud Library Website.

Learn About Our eBook Program2020-06-05T00:40:08-06:00

Board of Trustees


Board of Trustees

Our Library trustees are powerful advocates for libraries.  Through the coordination, hard work, and determination of our trustees, budgets have been restored increased, and new respect has been generated for the powerful role our library plays in our community.

As part of  a trustee board, trustees serve on a volunteer basis, are appointed to the library board for a period of time, and are tasked with the duty of helping to direct the funds and policies of an institution. In general, the library board of trustees has a role in determining the mission of the library, setting the policy that governs the library, hiring and evaluating a library director, and overseeing the general management of the library.


Julia Eichhorst


Rachel Kinkade


Crystal Trout


Andrea Puckett


Derek Mason

Linn Wells

David Abell

Amy Hancock-Keck

Denyse Eagleson

Board of Trustees2024-02-23T13:39:57-06:00

May ’19 Board of Trustees Minutes




May 14, 2019 Minutes

I.               Call to Order – Roll Call

The monthly meeting of the Olney Public Library Board of Trustees was called to order by President Charles Roberts, May 14, 2019 at 5:30pm.

Present – Board members present included Charles Roberts, Marie Riggs, Crystal Trout, Sarah Britton, Julia Eichhorst, Sheila Ritter, and Herman Zuber

Absent – Charlotte Bruce and Dan Zuber

Others Present – Brittany Bass, Library Director and Lisa Boehl, Bookkeeper

II.               Recognition of Visitors and Public Comments

No visitors were present

III.            Secretary’s Report and Approval of Previous Minutes

The minutes of the April 9, 2019 meeting were reviewed and two typographical errors were corrected. Sarah Britton made a motion to approve the minutes with corrections. Herman Zuber seconded the motion. Measure carried.

IV.            Treasurer’s Report & Approval of Bills Payable

April 2019 Treasurer’s report was reviewed. Additional checks were presented for Citibusiness – $3890.73, Elsenpeter Productions – $400, Animal Tales, LLC – $272.50 and City of Olney – $38.36. Sheila Ritter made a motion to approve the report and payables. Sarah Britton seconded the motion. Motion carried.

V.              Committee Reports

Finance Committee – Sheila Ritter presented a written report from the Finance Committee’s January 28 meeting. The 2019 budget was approved at a prior meeting and stands as approved for the new fiscal year.

Personnel Committee – The board was given a copy of the evaluation that was presented by the Personnel Committee to Director Bass on May 8. Bass reported that she was very pleased with the results and appreciated the feedback from the board.

Policy/Bylaws Committee- Committee met to review board terms limits. Their findings will be discussed in Old Business.

Building/Grounds Committee- Nothing to report at this time

Public Relations/Marketing Committee-The committee met on May 7th. A written report was submitted to the board including goals met and recommendations for the coming year.

Technology Committee-Nothing to report at this time

Planning Committee-Nothing to report at this time

VI.            Friends of the Library

Friends of the library will meet on May 20, at 5pm at OPL. Chuck Roberts indicated that the trustees hope the Friends group will consider and discuss the agreement presented to them in 2017.

The book clubs continue to meet.

VII.           Librarian’s Report

Brittany Bass presented a thorough written report to the trustees.

VIII.         Correspondence/Communication/Public Relations – N/A

IX.            Old Business

Trustee Term Limits – The policy and bylaws committee along with Brittany have researched policies regarding trustee term limits at other public libraries in Illinois, and they recommend that the board move forward with such a policy for the OPL trustees. Following discussion of presented written policies and impact, Sarah Britton made a motion that the Olney Public Library ask Anna Yackle of Heartland to compose a policy indicating that OPL trustees practice a term limit of two full three-year terms with one year off required before coming back onto the board, so that the trustees can discuss and vote on the policy at the June 2019 meeting. Sheila Ritter seconded the motion. Motion passed.

X.              New Business

Revised Sign Bids-Brittany presented a revised bid from THam for an LED sign for the library. The bid amount was $24,532.05.

A motion was made by Sheila Ritter and seconded by Herman Zuber to approve the LED sign per the bid, to be installed on the west side of the OPL driveway, contingent on the $22,000 from the Friends of the Library, with the remainder of the expense to be taken from the building fund, and that Brittany begin filing sign permits with the City of Olney immediately. Motion passed unanimously.

XI.            Executive Session – N/A

XII.           Adjournment – Sarah Britton made a motion to adjourn. Julia Eichhorst seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned at 6:37pm

Minutes submitted by Crystal Trout

May ’19 Board of Trustees Minutes2019-06-10T14:22:32-06:00

Board Meeting Policy


Board Meeting Policy

Regular meetings of the Library Board are held the second Tuesday of each month in the Library.  The meetings begin at 5:30 p.m. unless posted.  Notice of the meetings is also posted in the Library and at City Hall.  Special meetings are posted at least 48 hours in advance.  All meetings of the Board, except executive sessions, are open to the public.

Minutes of closed meetings will be kept by the Board. A copy of the minutes will be reviewed by all Board Members who were present at the closed meeting before the next open meeting.  A member will recommend approval of the closed meeting minutes by the Board during the open meeting.

After being approved, the minutes will be sealed in an envelope, labeled, and dated.  This envelope will then be placed in the Library Board’s safety deposit box by one of the authorized Board officers.

Any amendments in the Library Use Regulations and the rest of the Olney Public Library Handbook of Policies are made during Board meetings.

Board Meeting Policy2019-01-14T19:02:59-06:00
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