About Olney Library Staff

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So far Olney Library Staff has created 29 blog entries.

Spark at the Olney Library: 4-H program on Building a Magic Wand


February 24th 2022

What ignites your child? Here is a chance to allow them to explore and create something new each month, helping them find their spark. Monthly free classes will be held at the Olney Public Library and led by a University of Illinois Extension educator. Classes will begin at 4 p.m. and end at 5 p.m. Students 2nd grade and older are eligible. Class size is limited so sign up today!

Build a Magic Wand – Craft sticks make an excellent tool for learning how to build simple circuits. With this project, we are embracing our love of Harry Potter and creating wands that light up.

Spark at the Olney Library: 4-H program on Building a Magic Wand2021-09-30T17:00:39-06:00

Spark at the Olney Library: 4-H program on Straw Rockets


March 24th 2022

What ignites your child? Here is a chance to allow them to explore and create something new each month, helping them find their spark. Monthly free classes will be held at the Olney Public Library and led by a University of Illinois Extension educator. Classes will begin at 4 p.m. and end at 5 p.m. Students 2nd grade and older are eligible. Class size is limited so sign up today!

Straw Rockets – Building a soda straw rocket is an excellent opportunity for students to practice the engineering design process. This activity provides students with a template that creates a rocket that can be launched from a soda straw.

Spark at the Olney Library: 4-H program on Straw Rockets2021-09-30T16:13:40-06:00

Spark at the Olney Library: 4-H program on Wind Energy


April 21st 2022

What ignites your child? Here is a chance to allow them to explore and create something new each month, helping them
find their spark. Monthly free classes will be held at the Olney Public Library and led by a University of Illinois Extension
educator. Classes will begin at 4 p.m. and end at 5 p.m. Students 2nd grade and older are eligible. Class size is limited so
sign up today!

Wind Energy – Do you know the wind is a source of energy? In this activity, you will build a pinwheel wind turbine and
harness the power of the wind.

Spark at the Olney Library: 4-H program on Wind Energy2021-09-30T17:02:05-06:00

Spark at the Olney Library: 4-H program on Creating a Lightning Bug


May 26th 2022

What ignites your child? Here is a chance to allow them to explore and create something new each month, helping them
find their spark. Monthly free classes will be held at the Olney Public Library and led by a University of Illinois Extension
educator. Classes will begin at 4 p.m. and end at 5 p.m. Students 2nd grade and older are eligible. Class size is limited so
sign up today!
Create a Lightning Bug – Have you ever wanted to make a cute lightning bug stay on a stick? Now you can with a simple
circuit and a popsicle stick!

Spark at the Olney Library: 4-H program on Creating a Lightning Bug2021-09-30T17:01:35-06:00

Full Steam Ahead Kid’s Science Videos


Full Steam Ahead Video Series Fall 2021 by Checkers Library TV

Full Steam Ahead Fall Videos

Weekly Episodes Will Be Added During This Fall

Checkers Library TV presents The Reading Road Trip: Full STEAM Ahead, a weekly 12 minute television show aimed at providing entertainment for children and illustrating the benefits of reading in a fun and exciting way. Library patrons can find these episodes on this page each week. This Fall, Checkers and his vacuum robot sidekick Snoozer head off on a reading road trip where they will explore the vast world of STEAM and visit a new location each week. The 16-episode series will feature many unique STEAM concepts such as 3d printing, dinosaurs, and many more exciting features that will keep kids on the edge of their seats. Along the way, the episodes will feature health tips from Dr. Dan, crafts and activities with Mrs. Hamilton, book recommendations, science experiments, and much more.

#1 Full Steam Ahead Fall Video Series – The secret of a dinosaur egg.

#2 Full Steam Ahead Fall Video Series – 3D Printing.

#3 Full Steam Ahead Fall Video Series – Vegetables.

#4 Full Steam Ahead Fall Video Series – Science Experiments.

#5 Full Steam Ahead Fall Video Series – Fire Safety Week.

#6 Full Steam Ahead Fall Video Series – Outer Space.

#7 Full Steam Ahead Fall Video Series – Music.

#8 Full Steam Ahead Fall Video Series – Halloween Special.

#9 Full Steam Ahead Fall Video Series – Disabilities & Illnesses.

#10 Full Steam Ahead Fall Video Series – Superheroes.

#11 Full Steam Ahead Fall Video Series – Going to the doctor.

#12 Full Steam Ahead Fall Video Series – Thanksgiving.

#13 Full Steam Ahead Fall Video Series – Ready Set Go – Exercise

#14 Full Steam Ahead Fall Video Series – Winter Wonderland

#15 Full Steam Ahead Fall Video Series – Roll the Dice – Games

#16 Full Steam Ahead Fall Video Series – The Holidays

#17 Full Steam Ahead Fall Video Series – New Years

Activity Sheets

Click to download the weekly activity sheets. 

The Reading Road Trip: Full Steam Ahead

Picture of download samples

Full Steam Ahead Kid’s Science Videos2021-12-30T15:31:12-06:00

June ’20 Board Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes



June 9, 2020

      1. Call to Order – Roll Call

        The monthly meeting of the Olney Public Library Board of Trustees was called to order by Julia Eichhorst, June 9, 2020 at 5:35pm.

        Present – Board members present: Julia Eichhorst, Crystal Trout, Julie Hill, Beverly Loomis
        Absent – Board member absent: Sarah Britton, Marie Riggs, Sheila Ritter and Dan Zuber
        Others Present – Brittany Bass, Library Director and Lisa Boehl, Bookkeeper
        A board quorum was not present, so no action could be taken.

      2. Recognition of Visitors and Public Comments
      3. Secretary’s Report and Approval of Previous Minutes
        The minutes of the March, 2020 meeting were reviewed.
      4. Treasurer’s Report & Approval of Bills Payable
        The May 2020 treasurer’s reports and bills payable were reviewed. The board will approve the March, April, May and June payables at the July meeting.
      5. Committee Reports
        Finance Committee –No report
        Personnel Committee –Brittany’s annual evaluation summary was presented to her before the meeting. The results were quite good, and the board is very pleased with her performance. The summary was passed around for review by board members.
        Policy/Bylaws Committee-No report
        Building/Grounds Committee- No report
        Public Relations/Marketing Committee-Committee will meet in the upcoming month.
        Technology Committee-No report
        Planning Committee-No report
      6. Friends of the Library–The Friends group is not planning to meet until Covid restraints are lifted.
      7. Librarian’s Report
        Brittany Bass presented a thorough written report to the trustees. The board discussed re-opening and Brittany advised that libraries are considered a part of the phase 4 group as outlined by the Governor of Illinois.
      8. Correspondence/Communication/Public Relations – N/A
      9. Old Business
      10. New Business

        Action could not be taken to amend budget.

        Brittany submitted that OPL will participate in the non-resident program. She did not indicate an amount for the non-resident fee. Board will vote on the issue in July.

        The board still needs at least one board member. Brittany is going to begin contacting those on the prospective list that the board has discussed.

      11. Executive Session – N/A
      12. Adjournment – Meeting was dismissed by Julia Eichhorst at 6:10 p.m.

    Minutes submitted by Crystal Trout

June ’20 Board Meeting Minutes2025-02-10T12:33:23-06:00



Your Library at your fingertips.
Anytime. Anywhere.

Hoopla is a groundbreaking digital media service offered by our library that allows you to borrow movies, music, audiobooks, ebooks, comics and TV shows to enjoy on your computer, tablet, or phone – and even your TV! With no waiting, titles can be streamed immediately, or downloaded to phones or tablets for offline enjoyment later. They have hundreds of thousands of titles to choose from, with more being added daily. hoopla is like having our  library at your fingertips. Anytime. Anywhere.


Hoopla basics

  • Service allows check out of ebooks, audiobooks, movies, music and comics.
  • You can stream titles or download them to your device.
  • There’s no waiting for your titles and the titles are available 24/7.
  • Check out up to 6 items per month.
  • Parents are responsible for monitoring use by minors. There are no limitations on use for minor’s library cards. However, there is a KIDS button within the app/site.
  • Available to Olney Public Library cardholders.


Will it work with my device?

*Please note that KindleFire HDX content may not be available for download, but could be available in streaming format.  

Product instructions

  • To get started, create a Hoopla account. Start at the Hoopla Digital homepage and click “Get Started Today”.
  • Enter your information in required fields and tap Agree.
  • Browse titles to check out.

Product help

Questions? Ask us.

Olney Public Library


Reading Colors Your World Summer Reading Program

Reading Colors Your World Image of Crayon People Dancing

Summer Reading Program Details

What to know.

  • REGISTER: Registration Starts at the Library on May 24th.
  • STORY TIME: Every Wednesday at 2pm.
  • DETAILED SCHEDULES: More details of our schedule will be given to you at registration.


If you have any questions we are here. Give us a call at 618-392-3711 

What is this years program?

The staff of the Olney Public Library is busy planning activities for their summer reading program– “Reading Colors Your World! The program will include story times on Wednesday afternoons at 2:00pm, reading challenges, crafts, professional performers, and more.  This year we will alternate each week with a take home craft or take-home story.  This means that kiddos will be taking home crafts and books of their own to keep this year depending on the week!

The story time sessions are divided into three different age groups for stories and crafts. They are toddler-preschool, kindergarten-second grade, and third grade-seventh grade.

Young adults and adults are going to be challenged to read this summer with a Book Bingo contest. Game cards may be picked up at the library starting May 24th.  Participants in these contests will have a chance to win great prizes and gift cards.

Registration for the children’s reading challenge begins Monday, May 24th. You will need to pick up reading logs and information sheets when
you register at the library.  Our program will kick off Wednesday, June 2nd at 2:00pm with our first story time and take-home crafts!

For more information contact the library at 618-392-3711 .

Reading Colors Your World Summer Reading Program2021-05-26T14:59:44-06:00

February ’20 Board Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes



February 11, 2020

      1. Call to Order – Roll Call
        The monthly meeting of the Olney Public Library Board of Trustees was called to order by Julia Eichhorst, February 11, 2020 at 5:35pm.
        Present – Board members present: Julia Eichhorst, Crystal Trout, Sarah Britton, Julie Hill, Marie Riggs and Herman Zuber
        Absent – Board member absent: Sheila Ritter and Dan Zuber
        Others Present – Brittany Bass, Library Director and Lisa Boehl, Bookkeeper
      2. Recognition of Visitors and Public Comments
      3. Secretary’s Report and Approval of Previous Minutes
        The minutes of the January 15, 2020 meeting were reviewed. Herman Zuber made a motion to approve the minutes with the correction. Sarah Britton seconded the motion. Measure carried.
      4. Treasurer’s Report & Approval of Bills Payable
        The January 2020 treasurer’s reports and bills payable were reviewed. Sarah Britton made a motion to approve the report and payables. Herman Zuber seconded the motion. Measure carried.
      5. Committee Reports
        Finance Committee –No report
        Personnel Committee –The committee met today at 4:15 and discussed changes to the personnel policy manual. Brittany is going to do some research and make suggested changes to the policy. Policy with changes will be presented at the March meeting for review and approval. The committee also discussed Brittany’s ongoing evaluation which will be covered in new business.
        Policy/Bylaws Committee-No report
        Building/Grounds Committee- No report
        Public Relations/Marketing Committee-No report
        Technology Committee-No report
        Planning Committee-No report
      6. Friends of the Library–The two book clubs are meeting. The Friends group is meeting in March, but the scheduled date was not known.
      7. Librarian’s Report
        Brittany Bass presented a thorough written report to the trustees.
      8. Correspondence/Communication/Public Relations – The library received their annual certificate of status from the Chief County Assessment Officer which needs to be signed by Julia Eichhorst and returned to the Assessor’s office.
      9. Old Business
        New Board Members – The mayor has appointed Julie Hill and Beverly Loomis as trustees. They will be officially sworn in at the next meeting by the city clerk. Julia Eichhorst will distribute new committee assignments at the next meeting.Sick Time Policy – The personnel committee reviewed sick time as well as other policies at their meeting, and recommended changes will be given to the board at the March meeting for approval.
      10. New Business
        Butler Street Sign – Brittany presented quotes from Scheutz and Designforce for Butler Street entrance signs. A motion was made by Crystal Trout to approve the steel sign bid from Designforce. Sarah Britton seconded the motion. Motion carried. The board is going to consider lighting for the sign at a future date.Director’s Evaluation – Herman Zuber distributed copies of Brittany’s Self-Review Form and the Director Evaluation Summation Form. Trustees should complete the evaluation form and return it to Herman Zuber at the March meeting to be compiled by the personnel committee.

        Salaries/Raises – Brittany presented the trustees with information regarding minimum wage increases which will affect the 2020-2021 budget as she is currently working to create a budget to submit to the board. The trustees made recommendations to be included in the budget so she and Lisa Boehl can move forward with the process.

      11. Executive Session – N/A
      12. Adjournment – Sarah Britton made a motion to adjourn. Marie Riggs seconded the motion. Measure carried. Meeting was adjourned at 6:30pm.

    Minutes submitted by Crystal Trout

February ’20 Board Meeting Minutes2025-02-10T12:33:24-06:00

Library Closure Notice 3/16


Due to amended recommendations from the Illinois Library Association stating that all library staff stay home as much as possible and to not encourage people to be out any more than they need to be, and the temporary suspension of deliveries from our library system, the Olney Public Library is no longer planning to do curbside pickup. The Library will be closed to the public effective March 17th until (tentatively) March 30th as guided by the Governor and Illinois Library Association. We thank you all for your patience and cooperation during this time. Don’t forget that the Cloud Library app is available 24/7 and the WiFi will be on during what would be normal business hours. We greatly regret the inconveniences this causes.

Library Closure Notice 3/162020-03-16T17:13:06-06:00
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