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So far Olney Library Staff has created 29 blog entries.

May ’24 Board Meeting Minutes




May 14, 2024

  1. Call to Order – Roll Call
    • The monthly meeting of the Olney Public Library Board of Trustees was called to order by President Julia Eichhorst May 14, 2024 at 5:30 pm.
    • Present – Board members present included Julia Eichhorst, Crystal Trout, Denyse Eagleson,
      Amy Keck, Derek Mason and Linn Wells
    • Absent – David Abell, Rachel Kinkade and Andrea Puckett
    • Others Present – Logan Braddock, Director and Janilyn Travis, Bookkeeper
  2. Recognition of Visitors and Public Comments – N/A
  3. Secretary’s Report and Approval of Previous Minutes
    The minutes of the April 9 meeting were reviewed. Denyse Eagleson made a motion to approve the minutes. Amy Keck seconded the motion. Measure carried.
  4. Treasurer’s Report & Approval of Bills Payable
    • Crystal Trout made a motion to open the budget to move $2690 from Miscellaneous Programming to Miscellaneous Expense. Derek Mason seconded the motion. Measure carried.
    • The April 2024 financial reports were reviewed. Crystal Trout made a motion to approve the financials with the aforementioned budget amendment. Linn Wells seconded the motion. Measure carried.
    • Amy Keck made a motion to approve the April bills payable. Denyse Eagleson seconded the motion. Measure carried.
    • A $40,000 CD held with Trust bank is maturing on 5/18/24. Derek Mason made a motion to cash out the CD, place the interest in the general fund and re-invest the $40,000 into a CD with First National Bank for 18 months at a rate of 4.59%. Crystal Trout seconded the motion. Measure carried.
  5. Committee Reports
    • Finance Committee – -No report
    • Personnel Committee – No report
    • Policy/Bylaws Committee – No report
    • Building/Grounds/Technology Committee–No report
    • Public Relations/Marketing Committee–A written report was submitted by the PR
      committee following a review meeting that was held on April 22.
    • Technology Committee-No report
    • Planning Committee-No report
  6. Librarian’s Report
    • Logan presented a written report and schedule for the library usage. Logan advised that the summer reading program would start soon and that recent programming had been well attended.
  7. Correspondence/Communication/Public Relations – N/A.
  8. Old Business – Committee Appointments – New committee appointments were distributed to the trustees.
  9. New Business
    • 2024-2025 Library Holidays – Logan reviewed library holidays for the upcoming fiscal year.
    • Chapter 4 – Access – Logan reviewed the points of the chapter and indicated that new lines should be painted in the parking lot. Julia is going to check with the City of Olney about this. Logan suggested that we meet to discuss long-term space needs. He will organize a meeting of the building committee to review needs and present to the trustees.
  10. Executive Session – N/A
  11. Adjournment – Amy Keck made a motion to adjourn. Denyse Eagleson seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned at 6:27 pm.

Save Minutes submitted by Crystal Trout.

May ’24 Board Meeting Minutes2025-02-10T11:54:29-06:00

August ’22 Board Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes



August 9th, 2022

      • Call to Order – Roll Call
        The monthly meeting of the Olney Public Library Board of Trustees was called to order by
        President Julia Eichhorst, August 9, 2022 at 5:30pm.Present – Board members present included Julia Eichhorst, Crystal Trout, David Abell,
        Denyse Eagleson, Amy Keck, Rachel Kinkade, Brandan Michels, Chelsea Rude
        Absent – Julie Hill
        Others Present – Brittany Bass, Library Director
      • Recognition of Visitors and Public Comments–N/A
      • Secretary’s Report and Approval of Previous Minutes
        The minutes of the July 12, meeting were reviewed. Chelsea Rude made a motion to
        approve the minutes. David Abell seconded the motion. Measure carried.Chelsea Rude made a motion to approve the executive session meeting minutes from the
        July 18 executive session. David Abell seconded the motion. Measure carried.
      • Treasurer’s Report & Approval of Bills Payable
        The July 2022 payable were reviewed. Crystal Trout made a motion to approve the bills
        payable. Chelsea Rude seconded the motion. Measure carried. There were no July financials
        to review at this time as the board has accepted the resignation of bookkeeper Lisa Boehl
        effective July 31. The board thanks Lisa for her years of excellent service and wishes her the
        best of luck.
        Lisa Boehl has agreed to train the new bookkeeper at a contract rate of $75 per hour. Brandan Michels made a motion to approve the training and fee. Chelsea Rude seconded the motion. Measure carried.
      • Committee Reports
        Finance Committee –No report
        Personnel Committee –The personnel committee made a recommendation to contract Janilyn Travis as the library
        bookkeeper at a rate of $675 per month. Brandan Michels made a motion to contract
        Janilyn Travis. Amy Keck seconded the motion. Measure carried.

        The personnel committee also gave a report of the search for a new library director as the
        board has accepted the resignation of Brittany Bass effective August 31. The job has been
        posted on several sites including the OPL website.

        Policy/Bylaws Committee-No report
        Building/Grounds Committee- No report
        Public Relations/Marketing Committee-No report
        Technology Committee-No report
        Planning Committee-No report
        Transition Committee- On July 18, Julia Eichhorst established a transition committee to
        assist in the transition to a new bookkeeper and new director. The committee consists of
        Denyse Eagleson, Amy Keck and Chelsea Rude. The committee is planning to attend a staff
        meeting on August 15.

      • Librarian’s Report –
        Brittany presented a thorough written report to the board of directors as well as a schedule
        of events for August.As Brittany has accepted a position with a local private school, her last full day at the library
        will be August 17, but she will use vacation/sick time to work through the end of the month,
        and will be at the library some evenings/weekends. The board discussed in detail the
        transition of job assignments and scheduling.
      • Correspondence/Communication/Public Relations
      • Old Business
      • New BusinessCommittee Appointments- New committee appointments were distributed to the trustees
        as appointed by Julia Eichhorst.

        Chelsea Rude made a motion to extend all governmental and school agreements through
        the 2022-2023 school year. Rachel Kinkade seconded the motion. Measure carried.

      • Executive Session – NA.
      • Adjournment –Chelsea Rude made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Amy Keck seconded
        the motion. Measure carried. Meeting was adjourned at 6:45 pm.

Minutes submitted by Crystal Trout

August ’22 Board Meeting Minutes2025-02-10T12:16:24-06:00

July ’22 Board Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes



July 12th, 2022

    • Call to Order – Roll Call
      The monthly meeting of the Olney Public Library Board of Trustees was called to order by
      President Julia Eichhorst, July 12, 2022 at 5:30pm.
      Present – Board members present included Julia Eichhorst, Julie Hill, Chelsea Rude, Crystal
      Trout, David Abell, Brandan Michels
      Absent – Denyse Eagleson, Amy Keck
      Others Present – Brittany Bass, Library Director, Lisa Boehl, Bookkeeper
    • Recognition of Visitors and Public Comments–N/A
    • Secretary’s Report and Approval of Previous Minutes
      The minutes of the June 14, meeting were reviewed. Julie Hill made a motion to approve the
      minutes. Chelsea Rude seconded the motion. Measure carried.
    • Treasurer’s Report & Approval of Bills Payable
      The June 2022, treasurer’s report and bills payable were reviewed. One additional payable
      was presented to Sage for $914 for accounting software. Crystal Trout made a motion to
      accept the treasurer’s report and bills payable and to adjust expenses from miscellaneous
      programs ($467.30) and walmart expense ($2034.23) to Carrie Winters Summer Program
      Grant ($2501.53). David Abell seconded the motion. Measure carried. The board expresses
      their thanks to the Carrie Winters Foundation for their continued support of the library.

Julie Hill made a motion to amend the budget to add revenue and expense of $4500 to the
Carrie Winters Trust Summer Program, and as the per capita grant totaled $12833.98, which
was $1439.98 above what was budgeted, to add that variance amount to miscellaneous
expense. Brandan Michels seconded the motion. Measure carried.

    • Committee Reports
      Finance Committee –No report
      Personnel Committee –No report
      Policy/Bylaws Committee-No report
      Building/Grounds Committee- No report
      Public Relations/Marketing Committee-No report
      Technology Committee-No report
      Planning Committee-No report
    • Librarian’s Report – Brittany presented a thorough written report to the board of directors
      as well as a schedule of events for July. Noted that the summer reading program was a
      tremendous success and will wrap up tomorrow with the summer reading challenge pizza
      Rachel Kinkade will be joining the board in August and new sub-committee and contact
      forms were distributed to the trustees which include Rachel.
    • Correspondence/Communication/Public Relations
    • Old Business –Defibrillator Request – Carle Richland Memorial Hospital has denied our request for funds to
      purchase a defibrillator as their policies prevent it. They have offered to assist us in choosing
      a good unit if we purchase one ourselves and to assist with our training to use the unit.

West Richland Book Barn – The “barn” is almost complete and we will try to arrange a
ribbon cutting with the Olney Chamber when it is installed and ready to open.

Action Pest Control-We will continue with their service until no longer needed.

    • New Business –Policy Change-The policy/by-laws committee submitted changes for review with regard to
      the job description and qualifications of the bookkeeper. Chelsea Rude made a motion to
      accept the proposed changes. Brandan Michels seconded the motion. Measure carried.
      Brittany will update the policy manual and give the trustees pages to update their manuals.
    • Executive Session – Motion was made by Chelsea Rude to enter into executive session at
      6:02pm and seconded by David Abell. Motion carried unanimously. The board moved into
      executive session until 8:25pm at which time the executive session was ended with a
      unanimous vote. No actions were taken.
    • Adjournment – –Crystal Trout made motion to adjourn at 8:29pm. Brandan Michels seconded
      the motion. Measure carried. Meeting was adjourned.

Minutes submitted by Crystal Trout

July ’22 Board Meeting Minutes2025-02-10T12:16:24-06:00

Jobs for Book Lovers


If you are a book lover always looking for new ways to immerse yourself in reading, you should search for jobs for book lovers.

Jobs for people who love books are diverse, like the book itself. Some careers allow you to spend your workday buried in books, historical papers, or scholarly works.

On the other hand, others demand a mastery of the written word or eagerness to discuss published literature or research. This guide will explore the best careers for book lovers, including other tips you should know.

Let’s begin.

Top 10 Jobs For Book Lovers

1. Work As An Editor

Without editors, there wouldn’t be much of a book industry. The best editors are language mechanics. Their goal is to improve the quality of written content and get a book ready to publish. Editors assist writers in shaping their work for clarity, consistency, style, language, and a variety of other factors. When you work as an editor, you’ll get to insert Oxford commas to your heart’s content!

Work As A Managing Editor Instead

If you prefer being an editor, work as a managing editor instead. Managing editors supervise and organize editing activities for periodicals, newspapers, book publishers, and other publications. They hire editorial staff members and collaborate to set and implement publication deadlines.

2. Become A Librarian

Librarian is one of the perfect jobs for book lovers on this list. It’s a place where you can pursue your book reading passion while you make a living out of it. Issuing books is not your only job description. Some avid researchers know how to make the most of the numerous resources and reference materials at their disposal. These include e-books, CDs, DVDs, newspapers, audiobooks, magazines, etc., including books. It’s one of the best careers for book lovers to try out.

3. Sell Books Online

Selling old books on sites like Amazon used to be simple, earning you several hundred dollars per week. It’s a little difficult now since many used books are sold for a penny. However, specialty books, such as textbooks, are an exception. Textbooks are expensive, costing over $1,200 per year. So it’s no surprise that students suffer financially. The solution is to look for used college books. You can sell used textbooks online through sites like BookDeal.com or eBay. But websites like BookDeal.com are more convenient because you get high offers and the shipping is also free. If you’re searching for jobs for people who love books, consider selling books online.

4. Blogger

One of the excellent jobs for people who love books is blogging. You can write and publish articles on a wide range of topics. You can even come up with jobs with books ideas, develop drafts, conduct research, publish articles, and many more. On occasion, bloggers serve as educators on specific topics.

5. Become A Writer

Becoming a writer is one of the popular jobs for book lovers. Is there a book lover who doesn’t write? Sadly, some people think writing is more of a hobby than a job. That’s because it’s pretty tough to make a living with only writing books. Usually, bestselling authors are the ones that can make a living. But that’s not the only job that requires writing. You can become a freelance writer. You can write for various outlets, including newspapers, journals, radio and television news, and books. In addition, you can bounce between projects in other sectors and create reviews, short stories, and different types of writing.

6. Historian

One of the best jobs for book lovers to consider is being a historian. Historians examine and interpret historical data in museums, archives, historical organizations, and other institutions. They write books on various subjects, historical events, places, and individuals. Historians usually specialize in one or more periods, cultures, or locations.

7. Screenwriter

Screenwriters compose scripts and screenplays for television shows, movies, and plays. And they do everything from transforming your favorite novels into TV shows and movies to developing fresh screenwriting content. It’s probably easy to come up with stories if you’re an avid reader. That’s why it’s one of the best jobs for book lovers. Besides, what’s better than being in charge of your fiction, tales, and stories?

8. Become A Social Media Manager

One of the best careers for book lovers to consider is social media manager. Social media managers create and develop effective digital marketing strategies on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Tik Tok. You can create engaging stories that the company can share with its audience. You can work in the education sector, business, etc., to promote various companies’ services, products, and ideas.

9. Literary Agents

A literary agent acts as a mediator between the publisher and the author. An agent represents a writer by pitching their work to potential publishers and negotiating book deals. When the deal goes through, they are compensated with a share of the writer’s advances and royalties. Literary agents are in charge of contracts, production, publication, and sales, as well as keeping an eye on market trends. For a writer’s submission to be evaluated by a publishing house, they must have an agent. Many publishing houses won’t accept manuscripts if the writers don’t have a representative. Literary agents also read manuscripts before deciding on which book and author to represent. It’s one of the perfect jobs with books to consider if you love reading!

10. Translator

Translators read or listen to various materials in one language. Then, they translate them into another. They operate in multiple fields, including video, education, online media, television, and publishing. Translators often spend their time interpreting and studying the meaning of words to find the best possible translation. If you love reading, this is one of the best jobs for book lovers to consider.

Jobs for Book Lovers2022-07-18T14:16:18-06:00



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A picture of some of the books that are on Libby app

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How Libby app works. Picture of a phone and tips on how it works.
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Spark at the Olney Library: 4-H program on Paper Circuits

Paper Circuit

October 28th

What ignites your child? Here is a chance to allow them to explore and create something new each month, helping them find their spark. Monthly free classes will be held at the Olney Public Library and led by a University of Illinois Extension educator. Classes will begin at 4 p.m. and end at 5 p.m. Students 2nd grade and older are eligible. Class size is limited so sign up today!

Paper Circuits – In this activity, we will create simple electric circuits on a flat piece of paper.

Spark at the Olney Library: 4-H program on Paper Circuits2021-09-30T16:56:21-06:00

Spark at the Olney Library: 4-H program on Pine Cone Bird Feeder

Pine Cone Bird Feeder

November 18th

What ignites your child? Here is a chance to allow them to explore and create something new each month, helping them find their spark. Monthly free classes will be held at the Olney Public Library and led by a University of Illinois Extension educator starting October 28. Classes will begin at 4 p.m. and end at 5 p.m. Students 2nd grade and older are eligible. Class size is limited so sign up today!

Pine Cone Bird Feeder -A Pine Cone Bird Feeder is a fun natural project that you can make to feed wildlife in your backyard.  Please note we will not be using peanut butter for this activity to avoid any issues with peanut allergies.

Spark at the Olney Library: 4-H program on Pine Cone Bird Feeder2021-09-30T16:56:42-06:00

Spark at the Olney Library: 4-H program on Light Up Holiday Cards


December 16th

What ignites your child? Here is a chance to allow them to explore and create something new each month, helping them find their spark. Monthly free classes will be held at the Olney Public Library and led by a University of Illinois Extension educator. Classes will begin at 4 p.m. and end at 5 p.m. Students 2nd grade and older are eligible. Class size is limited so sign up today!

Light Up Holiday Cards – In this activity, you will create a holiday card that actually lights up using a simple paper circuit.

Spark at the Olney Library: 4-H program on Light Up Holiday Cards2021-09-30T16:57:09-06:00

Spark at the Olney Library: 4-H program STEM Marshmallow Catapults


January 13th

What ignites your child? Here is a chance to allow them to explore and create something new each month, helping them find their spark. Monthly free classes will be held at the Olney Public Library and led by a University of Illinois Extension educator. Classes will begin at 4 p.m. and end at 5 p.m. Students 2nd grade and older are eligible. Class size is limited so sign up today!

STEM Marshmallow Catapult -Channel your inner engineer and build a catapult using craft sticks to launch a sweet treat!

Spark at the Olney Library: 4-H program STEM Marshmallow Catapults2021-09-30T16:58:52-06:00
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