July 10, 2024

  1. Call to Order – Roll Call
    • The monthly meeting of the Olney Public Library Board of Trustees was called to order by President Julia Eichhorst at 5:30pm.
    • Present – Board members present included Rachel Kinkade, Amy Keck, David Abell, Derek Mason, Andrea Puckett and Julia Eichhorst
    • Absent – Denyse Eagleson and Crystal Trout
    • Others Present – Logan Braddock, Director and Janilyn Travis, Bookkeeper
  2. Recognition of Visitors and Public Comments – N/A
  3. Secretary’s Report and Approval of Previous Minutes
    Rachel Kinkade made a motion to approve the July 2024 minutes with a correction of a typo of the date of the last meeting. Stated under, Call to Order, July 10, 2024 corrected to July 9, 2024.
  4. Treasurer’s Report & Approval of Bills Payable
    • The July 2024 financial reports were reviewed. David Abell made a motion to approve the financials. Derek Mason seconded the motion. Measure carried.
    • Derek Mason made a motion to approve the July bills payable. Andrea Puckett seconded the motion. Measure carried.
    • Janilyn Travis shared that Kemper CPA group has requested July and August 2024 minutes to complete the documentation needed for the 2023-2024 audit.
  5. Committee Reports
    • Finance Committee – -No report
    • Personnel Committee – No report
    • Policy/Bylaws Committee – No report
    • Building/Grounds/Technology Committee–No report
    • Public Relations/Marketing Committee – No report
    • Technology Committee – No report
    • Planning Committee – No report
  6. Librarian’s Report
    • Logan Braddock presented a written report and schedule for the library usage.
    • Logan Braddock discussed and provided a schedule for upcoming events.
    • Logan Braddock presented complete service statistics for July 2024 lending services D. Amy Keck made a motion to approve the librarians report. David Abell seconded the motion. Measure Carried.
  7. Correspondence/Communication/Public Relations – N/A.
  8. Old Business – N/A
  9. New Business
    • Intergovernmental Agreement
      1. Logan Braddock presented the current Intergovernmental Agreement that has been used with Richland County Community Unit School District #1, Full Armor Academy, and St. Joseph School to provide all K-12 students with a free library card.
      2. Logan suggested the addition to include K-12 homeschooled students. Logan plans to apply for the Josie Files grant to cover the cost of the homeschool student cards.
      3. David Keck made a motion to approve the Intergovernmental Agreement and pursue providing an equivalent opportunity to homeschooled students. Amy Keck seconded the motion. Measure carried.
    • Board Vacancy – The board discussed potential board members. Discussion will continue at the
      September 2024 meeting.
    • Light fixture replacement – Logan Braddock presented the board with 3 updated bids for light fixture replacements. David Abell made a motion to award the bid to Shultz Heating Cooling & Electrical LLC for $2,500. Rachel Kinakde seconded the motion. Measure carried.
    • Technology Needs – Logan Braddock presented to the board that Lazerware discussed with him that 4 of our computers are not compatible with the Windows 11 update. Lazerware stated that the 4 computers must be replaced and updated by October 2025. Lazerware provided a quote to replace the 4 computers that are not compatible with the update. Logan Braddock expressed the need for an updated laptop for the multipurpose room.
    • Chapter 7 “Collection Management” – Logan Braddock presented Chapter 7 to the board. Logan feels we are in compliance with all state expectations for collection management.
  10. Executive Session – N/A
  11. Adjournment – Amy Keck made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Andrea Puckett seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned at 6:34pm.

Save Minutes submitted by Rachel Kinkade in Crystal Trout’s absence.